I am Bartleby the Erroneous (somestimes known as Kitsch Finnegan), Esteemed Wiz(s)ard of the Grand Court of Suleim. I learned my inimitable practice under fellowship of the late Gordlan (1385-2002), and I'm originally from PENNSYLVANIA!!
I like playing harmonica and banjo, messing around with CD/DVDs, kissing my boyfriend, punk music, wizard music, and writing. I also love talking to people - feel free to reach out about magic, the lifestyle, or otherwise!
In my early years, I fought the Distant War in Fargo, ND for the 34th Agranomancers Unit, where I helped take the Temple of Apaomu-ra. I was later put in charge of deciphering the scrolls we found as written by the 12th century order of Magnamarioms. (Among these scrolls, we also found VHS copies of Cheers!)