-*_*-*_*-*_*-*_*-*_*-*_*-*_*-*_*-*_*-*_*-*_*-*_*-*_*-*_*-*_*-*_*-*_*-*_*-*_* Lecherous Gaze... what to say? Not fucking much, honestly. My Lecherous Gaze album review was deleted (by me) as I attempted to use a text editing program incorrectly. But I listened to that album like five times to make that review. So I'm not doing it again! If I remember correctly, Rare and I rated it 2/5 bowls of cat puke. Here's an advert for the website you're currently on, that I've included for the sake of my own personal joys and giggles. THIS HAS BEEN ANOTHER FILE BROUGHT 2 YOU BY -*-*><((tomedepot.neocities.org))><*-*- YOUR ONE STOB SHOB 4 ERM/WLC > Spell Componence, Casting Manuels > Wiz(s)ard Lifestyle Tips + Tricks > Archivigizaiviation -*_*-*_*-*_*-*_*-*_*-*_*-*_*-*_*-*_*-*_*-*_*-*_*-*_*-*_*-*_*-*_*-*_*-*_*-*_*